Nedham Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 0HE

0116 251 6574

Weekly Reminders 


Every day your child must come into school with their book bag and water bottle. Can you ensure that your child's name is written on all items including coats, jumpers, scarves, gloves, hats etc.

Thank you. 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




P.E will take place every Wednesday for FS2.

Children are to come into school in their P.E kits. 

Please remove/tape earrings.

Please encourage your children to dress/undress independently. 


The children will be changing their home reading books every Thursday- Please can the children bring their book back every Thursday to ensure they are able to get a new reading book by Friday, ready for the weekend. 

Please can you make a comment in your child's reading diary to show that you have read with them(even it's a smiley face or simply a signature).

Please ensure the children also bring their library book back every Thursday to ensure they are able to take out a new book.