Nedham Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 0HE

0116 251 6574


Foundation Stage One
Children aged 3 by 31 August are eligible for a place in Foundation Stage One. In the Foundation Stage we aim to give your child an opportunity to experience and learn skills they will need to meet the early learning goals of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Children are encouraged to talk, to enjoy books, to handle and use materials as well as being introduced to many pre-reading, mathematical, technological, creative and scientific experiences. We also aim to teach them social skills. Learning takes place in the classroom and in the outdoor environment. Each child is taught according to his or her developmental stage and their progress is monitored and recorded in every aspect of their development. Parents will be advised about how to prepare for their child’s first days in school. Where possible the teaching or other Foundation Stage staff will visit the families of children who will be starting in foundation stage one before the children start school in the autumn term. An application form and the procedure can be collected from the office.

Admission to Foundation Stage One Procedure

  1. Children aged three by 31 August are eligible for a place in Foundation Stage One.  There are no preconditions to entry.  Parents must complete an application form and provide the following:-
  • An original full birth certificate to verify their child’s details. (If your child was not born in the UK we will request to see the full birth certificate and the child’s passport).
  • A proof of parental address e.g. bank statement or utility bill (less than 3 months old)*.
  • We will also request to verify a parent’s identification via photo ID (passport or driving licence).

*If the child does not live with the birth parents please provide the following:-

  • Court order stating parental responsibility e.g. carers, foster parents, adoption etc
  • Proof of address where the child lives.
  1. The pupil application form will be filed and recorded (with copies of the child’s birth certificate, child’s passport and proof of address) in date order of when it was received in the office. We will not accept an application form without all the documents. Once we have received all the documents the child’s name will be added to the waiting list.

In the year of their entry - the first 26 pupils are offered a place (first come first served basis) and parents are given the offer of AM or PM sessions via a letter. Places will be allocated for attendance for half days only (Mon-Fri 8.40am – 11.40am or 11.50am – 2.50pm, 15 hours/week).  Parents will be contacted if we are unable to offer a place to them.

  1. The admission space is given on the basis that the completed offer letter is returned to the office by the deadline date.
  2. If a parent does not return the letter by the deadline date, we will contact the parent via a text message. The parent must confirm the place in writing e.g. email, text message.  If the parent does not confirm acceptance of the place within 5 days of the school leaving the first message/email, the school will withdraw the offer and then offer the place to the next child on the list. 
  3. If a parent decides they do not want the offer we will offer it to the next person on the waiting list (number 27, 28 etc). If at a later date a parent wants to reapply, they will be requested to complete a new application form with original accompanying documents.

Being allocated a place in Foundation Stage One has no effect on whether the child will be allocated a place in the main school beginning with Foundation Stage Two. Parents of Foundation Stage One children must apply early for a place in Foundation Stage Two along with all other parents.

Please note that this document may change depending on the needs of the school.

Please see link below for the Parents' Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework:

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

Admissions to full time school
If you wish to apply for a full time place at Charnwood Primary School for your child please submit an online application with Leicester City Council.

Admissions Policy

Leicester City Council School Admissions - 0116 454 1009
More information regarding admissions and admissions arrangements can be found on the Leicester City Council website - Admissions policy and arrangements 
Families new to the school are welcome to look around the building and see the teachers and pupils working. Families will be offered the opportunity to attend a full induction meeting as part of the admission process. Please make an appointment with the head teacher if you have any concerns.