Nedham Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 0HE

0116 251 6574

Foundation Subjects


This term in Science we will be learning about different types of animals. 

Our big question is;

Which types of animals live in our local environment?


During Autumn 2 we will be comparing different types of animals.

Our big question is;

How are animals different from each other?


This term in Geography we will be learning about our local area.

Our big question is; 

 What are the key places in my school/ the local area and what is the local area like?



This term in Art we will be learning about the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh and self- portraits.

Our big question is;

How can you create a self-portrait using a variety of different techniques and media?



This term in PSHCE our topic is Me and My Relationships . We will be discussing and exploring the themes of Respectful Relationships, 
 Caring Friendships, Mental Well-Being, Being Safe, Families and People Who Care for Me. 


Design and Technology

During Autumn 2, our topic in D&T is Cooking. We will be learning about the  basic principles of a healthy and varied diet, how to prepare dishes and develop an understanding of where food comes from.

Our big question is;

How can we make fruits and vegetables interesting to eat? 


This term in RE we will be learning about Belonging.

Our big question is;

How do I know I belong?


During Autumn 2  we will be learning about Islam

Our big question is;

Why is Muhammad special to Muslims?


This term in Music our topic is Pulse. We will be learning about creating, exploring, responding and identifying long and short sounds.