The school encourages the children to take their reading books home so that parents, older brothers and sisters etc. can read with them each day. We will be happy to talk to you about ways in which you can help your child to make progress in reading.
Homework is important in helping children to make good progress with their learning.
Homework that children are given includes learning their multiplication tables, spelling, learning useful facts and researching information. As children move through the school the amount of homework increases gradually.
Foundation Two & Year 1
- Daily reading for about 10 minutes
- Occasional spellings to learn
Year 2
- Daily reading for about 10 minutes
- Weekly spellings to learn
- Mathematics vocabulary/tables/activities to learn or do
Year 3
- Reading
- Spellings
- Mathematics
- Handwriting practice
- Science
- Finish work started in class
Years 4, 5 & 6
- Reading
- Spellings
- Mathematics
- Handwriting exercise
- Science
- Finish work started in class
- Research topic work